Warren Peters has put together a set of Gig Disks for your listening pleasure. Warren, who accompanies his singer wife, Revel, is also one of our PSR Performers. You can hear Warren play by checking out his Performer's page. -- Joe Waters
2003) Taking a great idea from Gary Diamond, I am submitting my own "gig disks."
My disks contain the songs Revel and I will be singing when we are performing.
Rather than start with an alphabetized list, and filling each disk one at a
time, I categorized mine in five different disks.
The disks also contain some .mid files. These are midi songs that we sing along with. Players using these songs will need to do some "transposing" to get the pitch of their keyboards in sync with the song.
I created these disks by finding a style I liked for the song, finding the correct tempo, and after selecting the voices I wanted to use, made sure the harmony/echo was right for each voice. When I had the song/style just how I wanted it, I saved it to a floppy disk, and named it the same as the song.
I think with these four disks, we can do all the songs we want to do, and keep the down time between songs at a bare minimum. When I was on stage playing in bands in clubs, the thing we worked hard at was to make sure there was very little downtime. In fact, after we finished a slow romantic song, we made it a point to jump right into a kicker before the people had a chance to think about going back to their tables. We got a lot of compliments about that.
The 1st disk has the songs Revel likes to sing and the 2nd disk has the songs I will be singing. Disk 3 has songs we both like. Disks 4 and 5 are backup tunes. You are welcome to use these disks anyway you want. I hope you get as much enjoyment and use out of them as we will.
-- Warren Peters
Disk #1 Revel's Songs 26 styles & 1 song |
Disk #2 Warren's Songs 21 styles & 9 songs |
Disk #3 Warren & Revel 38 styles & 3 songs |
Disk #4 Backup Tunes 36 styles |
Disk #5 More Backups 26 styles |
Gig Disks for the PSR-3000
(Sep 2006) Now that Warren has his new PSR3000, he has reworked his gig disks and added four more (#6 - #9) for PSR-3000 owners.
(Mar 2007) Warren has been kind enough to send in another two Gig disks (#10 and #11).
Disk #6 26 styles |
Disk #7 26 styles |
Disk #8 23 styles |
Disk #9 24 styles |
Disk #10 47 styles |
Disk #11 46 styles |
Disk #12 42 styles |
Disk #13 40 styles |
Gig Disks for the S910
(Dec 2010) The two zip files below include the gig disks used by Warren in Revel for two performances they gave in December, 2010. Each performance included 3 sets of 14 songs each. The zip files include a text list of the songs, the styles, and the registrations used for the performance.
12-07GigList.zip 42 styles |
12-09GigList.zip 41 styles |