575 Preset Styles
In September 2024, Yamaha announced new mid-range arranger keyboards: Yamaha PSR-SX920 and PSR SX720.
The PSR SX920 and PSR SX720 delivers richer sound, expressive dynamics, and deeper emotional resonance, thanks to advanced features like Crossfade Portamento and Super Articulation technologies. With increased DSP power for Style Insertion and new Style Dynamics Control, you’ll have precise control over every note, shaping the energy and feel of your music exactly as you envision.
The PSR-SX920 has 575 preset styles, 50 more than the PSR-SX900. The PSR-SX720 has 450 preset styles, 50 more than the PSR-SX700.
The table below lists all of the styles in the PSR-SX920.
POP - 60 Styles |
ThrowbackPop 20sDisco DiscoPopJam DancehallPop SweetPop ReggaetonSlowJam 6-8ChartBallad 12-8PopBallad SongwriterBallad UnpluggedBallad 90sBritPop 90sMainstream 90sDancePop 90sGuitarPop 90sEuroReggae |
90sUltimateBallad 90s8BeatBallad 90sPopBallad 90sUS ChartBallad 90sBritPopBallad ChartSynthPop US ElectroPop US FolkPop UK FolkPop DivaChartPunk DivaPowerPop EpicDivaBallad PowerPopBallad BritPopAnthem 10sMidTempoPop |
UnpluggedPop UkulelePop 90sDisco FunkyPop FunkPopRock IrishPopBallad 6-8GuitarBallad VocalPopBallad PopRockShuffle BritPopSwing PopTeenShuffle ClassicalPop US SingerPop CanadianTeenPop SkyPop |
00sUS DancePop 10sDancePop PassionPop BoyBandPop IrishPopRock 90sPopShuffle ChartPianoShuffle 00sBluesyBallad 00sBoyBand LoveSong ModernPopBallad SoulfulBallad Chillout1 Chillout2 ChilloutCafe |
RetroPop - 50 Styles | |||
16BeatBallad 6-8ClassicSynth 70s8BeatBallad 70sClassicDisco 70sDisco1 70sDisco2 70sDiscoDance 70sDiscoFunk 70sDiscotheque 70sEuroDisco 70sFrenchHit 70sGlamPiano 70sSwedish8Beat |
80s8Beat 80s8BeatBallad 80sAnalogBallad 80sBoyBand 80sBritishPop 80sClassic6-8 80sClubPop 80sDivaBallad 80sEuroPop 80sFunkIcon 80sGuitarPop 80sLoveSong 80sMonsterHit |
80sPianoBallad 80sPopBallad 80sPopDiva 80sPopQueen 80sRetroDisco 80sSka 80sSynthDuo 80sSynthPop 80sTeenDisco BoyBandBallad Classic8Beat Cool8Beat FunkDisco |
LatinPartyPop LightReggae PhillyDisco PopWaltz ReefReggae SmoothPopBallad SunnyReggae SwedishPopShuffle SynthPop Up-tempo8Beat WestCoastBeat |
Rock - 35 Styles | |||
16BeatRock 60sRock&RollBand 6-8Rock 70sBritSoftRock 70sDutchRock 70sHardRock 70sShuffleRock 70sStraightRock 80sClassicRock |
80sEdgyRock 80sMajestyRock 80sPianoRock 80sPowerRock 80sRockAnthem 80sRockBeat 80sRockDiva 80sSynthRock 90sAltGrungeRock |
90sHardRockBallad 90sLatinRockBallad 90sRockBallad 90sScotsSoftRock AcousticRock BritRockPop CanadianRock GlamPianoRock GrungeRock |
HighRoadRock IndieRock OrchRockBallad1 OrchRockBallad2 PowerRock StadiumRock StandardRock UK SoftRock |
Dance - 47 Styles | |||
20sDancePop 20sUrbanLatin Folktronica ReggaetonGroove ReggaetonDJ 90sDreamHouse 90sHouseDance JumpDance SingItDisco R&B SlowBallad DanceFloor DangerDance |
10sDreamDance 10sElectroPop SynthElectro ElectroPop ElectroHouse EDM Anthem HardTrance ChartEDM StreetBeatbox RockYaBeatbox BigRoom ClubRiddim |
HardClub EuroTrance RetroDance ClubHouse GlobalDJs ClubMixDJ TrancePop Electronica MinimalElectro ModernHipHop NatureHipHop FunkyHouse |
DirtyPop 10sSpainPop FrenchClub ClubDance FrenchDJ Ibiza2010 DanceBeat Reggaeton1 Reggaeton2 HipHop Slow'n'Swingin' |
R&B - 39 Styles | |||
6-8SoulBallad 70sChartSoul 70sCoolBallad 70sScatLegend 80sSmoothBallad 90sSmoothBallad AcousticShuffle AmazingGospel BlueBlues BluesRock |
BluesShuffle Classic16Beat CoolR&B DetroitPop DetroitSoul FranklySoul FunkPop FunkyShuffle FusionShuffle GospelBallad |
GospelBrothers GospelSisters GospelSwing HollywoodGospel JazzFunk JazzFusion KoolShuffle LiveSoulBand LovelyShuffle MotorCity |
Mr.Soul R&B Shuffle R&B SoulBallad RetroSoul SlowBlues SoulShuffle SouthernGospel SuperGroove TheBlues |
Oldies - 40 Styles | |||
50sRock&Roll 60s8Beat 60sBigHit 60sBlueEyedSoul 60sBritishSoul 60sChartSwing 60sFolkPop 60sFolkRock 60sGuitarRock 60sInstrumentalPop |
60sOrganBallad 60sPianoPop 60sPopBallad 60sPopRock 60sRock&Roll 60sSunshinePop 60sSuperGroup 60sUnderground 60sVintageCha-Cha 60sVintagePop |
60sVintageRumba 6-8SlowRock BeachRock BubblegumPop FolkSongDuo LightBallad OldiesRock&Roll PianoBoogie PubPiano Rock&Roll |
Rock&RollJive Rock&RollShuffle SingalongDanceBand SingalongPiano Skiffle SurfRock Sweet60sPop Swingin'Jive Twist VintageGuitarPop |
Jazz - 35 Styles | |||
AcousticJazz AfroCuban BigBandBallad BigBandCrooner BigBandFast1 BigBandFast2 BigBandJazz BigBandMedium BigBandShuffle |
CitySingersSwing ClassicBigBand CoolJazzBallad CoolJazzClub CoolPianoJazz Dixieland DrawbarGroove DrawbarSwing ElectroSwing |
FiveFour FrenchJazz InstrumentalJazz JazzGuitarClub JazzOrganCombo MediumJazzWaltz ModernBigBand OrchBigBand1 OrchBigBand2 |
Ragtime SlowJazzWaltz Smokin'BigBand Swingin'BigBand TradPianoBallad TradPianoJazz UkuleleSwing Up-tempoSwing |
Easy Listening - 34 Styles | |||
40sSwingBallad 70sChartBallad 70sEasyPop 70sPopDuo1 70sPopDuo2 8BeatAdria AngelSun ChillPerformer CloudyBay |
DreamyBallad EasyBallad EasyListening EasyPop EasySwing EpicBallad EuroPopOrgan JollyBeat LushBallad |
MidnightSwing MOR Waltz NightWalk Orchestral12-8 Orchestral6-8 OrchestralSwing1 OrchestralSwing2 OrganBossa1 OrganBossa2 |
OrganSwing PartyA Gogo Play4Sofa RomanticWaltz StandardPianoBallad Tijuana WonderWaltz |
Country - 30 Styles | |||
Bluegrass CalifornianCountry ChartCountry Country2-4 Country8Beat1 Country8Beat2 CountryBallad1 CountryBallad2 |
CountryBlues CountryFolk8Beat CountryFolkBallad CountryFolkUpbeat CountryHits CountryPop CountryPopDuo CountryPopRock |
CountryRock CountryShuffle CountrySongwriter CountryStrummin' CountrySwing CountrySwingBallad CountryWaltz GentleFolkBallad |
MainstreamCowboy NashvillePop NashvilleRock RanchPop TexasHoedown WranglerRock |
Ballroom - 25 Styles |
BarnDance Beguine Cha-Cha Charleston EnglishWaltz FinalWaltz Foxtrot |
Jive LoungeRumba Military2Step OrchestralTango OrganCha-Cha OrganQuickstep OrganRumba |
OrganSamba Pasodoble Quickstep Rumba Samba SlowWaltz StBernardsWaltz |
Tango VocalFoxtrot VocalWaltz Waltz |
Movie&Show - 30 Styles |
70sTeenMusical 70sTV Theme 80sMovieBallad AnimationBallad AnimationFantasy BlockbusterBallad BoxingLegend BroadwayBallad |
DiscoDrama EpicDramaBallad EtherealMovie EtherealVoices GuitarSerenade Gunslinger IcyBallad It'sShowtime |
MovieBallad MovieClassic MovieDisco MovieHorns MovieMystery MovieSoundtrack MovieSwing1 MovieSwing2 |
OnBroadway PopMusical Sci-FiMarch SecretService TapDanceSwing WildWest |
Classic&Event - 15 Styles |
6-8March 80sChristmas BaroqueAir ChristmasBallad |
ChristmasSwing ChristmasWaltz GreenFantasia Moonlight6-8 |
OrchestralMarch OrchestralPolka OrchPopClassics OrganHymn |
RussianWaltz US March VienneseWaltz |
Entertainer - 50 Styles |
MegaHit DiscoFoxKing VolksDance PopRumba ZitherPolka SchlagerBeat 6-8Schlager OldiesEuroPop 70sOrchestralRock PolkaPop AlpenSchlager SchlagerFox SchlagerWaltz |
SchlagerSamba SchlagerAlp BohemianWaltz GermanWaltz DreamSchlager AlpenLand VolksSchlager ApresSkiHit ApresSkiParty SchlagerShuffle RockPartyKing OktoberRockHit MegaFox |
DreamFox HelloShuffle 10sSchlagerDance SchlagerBoom DiscoFoxRock PartyPolka SchlagerPolka AlpenBallad1 AlpenBallad2 MallorcaParty SynthPopDuo 80sDiscoFox 80sGermanBeat |
90sGermanRock 10sSchlagerPop ModernSchlager SchlagerFever SchlagerPop SchlagerBallad ScandBugg ScandSlowRock ScandCountry ScandShuffle ScandWaltz |
Latin - 40 Styles |
10sCubanPop 80sBrazilianPop Axe Bachata BoleroLento BossaBrazil BossaNova BossaRio ColombianPop CubanCha-Cha |
CubanSon EuroPopMambo FastCha-Cha Forro Guaguanco Guajira GuitarRumba JazzSamba Joropo LatinPop |
LiveMerengue LoungeBossa Parranda PopBachata PopBossa PopCha-Cha PopCumbia PopLatin PopLatinBallad ReggaetonPop |
RockCha-Cha RumbaFlamenco RumbaIsland Salsa SalsaGranCiclon Samba60s SambaReggae SambaRio SlowBossa TangoFlamencos |
World - 45 Styles |
ArabicEuro Bhajan Bhangra BrassBand CelticDance CelticDance3-4 Duranguense Flamenco FrenchMusette FrenchWaltz GermanMarch Grupera |
Hawaiian IndonesianPop IndonesianPopBallad IrishDance IrishHymn ItalianMazurka ItalianWaltz Jing Ju Jie Zou Keroncong Laff MalfufFunk MariachiWaltz |
MexicanDance ModernDangdut1 ModernDangdut2 OberkrainerPolka1 OberkrainerPolka2 OberkrainerWaltz1 OberkrainerWaltz2 Saeidy SaeidyPop ScottishJig ScottishPolka ScottishReel |
ScottishStrathspey ScottishWaltz Sirtaki SpanishPaso Swingin'Musette Tarantella TurkishEuro WehdaSaghira Xi Qing Luo Gu |
PSR-SX920/SX720 Demos
- YAMAHA PSR-SX920 Overview, Demo & New Features (26 min)
- What You Need To Know Before Buying - Lots Of Playing! (20 min)
- YAMAHA PSR SX720 PSR SX920 demo and how to use (30 min)
- PSR-SX920 International Style and Voice Demo (35 min)
- Yamaha PSR-SX920 Keyboard Arranger Workstation Demonstration (27 min)
PSR SX920 and PSR SX720: A New Era of Performance
Inspired by the innovative features of the Genos2, the PSR-SX series is crafted to deliver an exceptional arranger keyboard experience. With premium sound quality and intuitive control, these keyboards allow musicians of all levels to recreate their favorite songs with ease, getting you playing right out of the box.
Enhanced Sound and Expressive Control
The PSR-SX series offers an immersive musical experience with advanced features like Crossfade Portamento and Super Articulation technology. These innovations let you add expressive dynamics and emotional depth to your performances. With enhanced DSP power and the introduction of Style Dynamics Control, you have the flexibility to shape your sound to perfection, giving every note its own unique character. From precise adjustments to energy-filled crescendos, the PSR-SX series lets you command every detail of your music.
Expand Your Musical Horizon
No matter where or what you play, the PSR-SX920’s extensive library of Premium Voices and Styles opens up endless creative possibilities. This model features an array of genre-specific styles, ensuring that you have the perfect accompaniment for every performance. The Super Articulation 2 (SA2) Voices deliver unmatched realism, capturing nuances like vibrato and trills effortlessly, while Super Articulation + Voices bring you even closer to the authentic sounds of real instruments with detailed expressions like fret noise and breath sounds. You can further expand your library with Voice & Style Expansion Packs, adding a personalized touch to your keyboard.
Total Control on Stage
The PSR-SX920 offers an unparalleled level of control over your music. With Style Dynamics Control, you can adjust the intensity of your ensemble, creating dynamic contrasts in your performances. The onboard Accompaniment Styles act as your professional backing band, allowing seamless transitions between solo and full-band arrangements. Real-time controls like the joystick and assignable knobs provide flexibility in pitch modulation and sound shaping, giving you the freedom to create and control your music with precision.
Performance-Ready Features
For live performers, the PSR-SX920 includes a range of features designed to keep you in the spotlight. The Chord Looper lets you loop chord progressions so you can focus on two-handed playing or improvisation. With built-in playback buttons, you can quickly load and cue songs from your library or Yamaha Musicsoft, ensuring smooth transitions during your set. You can also capture and relive your performances with the USB audio recorder. Additional tools like Style Section Reset and the Vocal Harmony engine keep your performance tight and engaging.
Expansion Explorer App
Coming soon, the EXPANSION EXPLORER App revolutionizes your Arranger Keyboard experience. It offers seamless access to Expansion content on iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac, helping you discover and install new content with ease. With tailored recommendations, this app ensures that you always find the sounds that inspire your creativity.
Advanced Controls for Live Performances
Quick access to essential features is crucial during performances. The PSR-SX920 includes eight assignable panel buttons and six home screen shortcuts, giving you immediate control over key functions. Assign features like sound filtering or Style Dynamics Control to the Live Control knobs for real-time manipulation, perfect for spontaneous adjustments while playing.
Chord Looper and Customizable Sound
The Chord Looper feature allows you to record and playback chord sequences in real-time, giving you the freedom to play intricate piano parts or practice difficult passages. Create unlimited banks with custom chord progressions or choose from built-in presets for easy access during your performance.
Bluetooth® Audio and Master EQ
The PSR-SX920 features Bluetooth® Audio, enabling you to connect your device wirelessly and play along with your favorite tracks. The built-in audio recorder captures everything you hear for convenient playback and recording. Additionally, the Master EQ lets you fine-tune your output with five presets or custom settings, ensuring your sound is perfectly tailored to your environment.
Simplified Performance with Smart Chord
The Smart Chord function simplifies accompaniment by letting you trigger full arrangements just by playing the root note of a chord. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this feature streamlines your performances, allowing you to focus on creativity and expression.
Ease of Use and Powerful Features
The PSR-SX series is designed with the musician in mind, offering user-friendly features that enhance playability and performance.
Playlist Management
The Playlist feature lets you organize Registration Memory banks into intuitive lists for instant access during live shows. The updated user interface allows for sorting and filtering entries with ease. Plus, imported records from older instruments automatically include Style names for seamless integration.
Intuitive Touchscreen Interface
The PSR-SX920 is equipped with a 7-inch central touchscreen that provides an intuitive, user-friendly experience. Whether you’re standing or sitting, the touchscreen offers clear visibility and quick access to essential functions, putting everything at your fingertips.
Enhanced Panel Buttons and Voice Editing
Color-enhanced panel buttons provide better visibility during performances, while the Live Controllers and Master Volume feature clear indicators for immediate adjustments. For those who enjoy customizing their sounds, Voice Edit offers a redesigned interface for fine-tuning Preset Voices to create your signature sound.
PSR-SX920 Specifications
- Voices: 1,587 Voices + 63 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices
- Featured Voices: 12 Super Articulation 2, 15 Super Articulation +, 340 Super Articulation, 55 OrganFlutes, 82 MegaVoice
- Expansion Memory: 2 GB
- Preset Styles: 575
The PSR-SX920 offers a feature-rich experience, combining expressive control, advanced technology, and unmatched versatility. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or an aspiring musician, the PSR-SX series empowers you to shape your sound and command the stage like never before.
Pricing and Availability
The Yamaha PSR-SX920 (MSRP $2,799) and PSR-SX720 (MSRP $1,999)
For more information visit Digital and Arranger Workstations