New in Version 306

  • Support for Genos, bug fixes and minor enhancements.

Download Instructions:

PadMaker is a tool for creating a Multipad based upon the patterns from one or more styles.

  • Download the PadMaker306.msi.
  • Use Start/Control Panel/Progrms to remove any exiting version, if installed.
  • Double click on the msi file to install PadMaker.

How It Works

padmaker screen shot
Click on image for a larger view.

A multipad is a four track midi file. On the instrument, a pad is played by depressing one or more of four pad buttons, which starts the pattern(s). Depending upon settings, each pad can play once or repeat endlessly, and have a fixed pitch or follow chords keyed into the accompaniment section.

Since pad patterns are very similar to style patterns, a multipad can be made by copying qualifying parts of a style (e.g. the Chord2 part from the Intro C section) to a pad track.

PadMaker provides tools for selecting style parts, copying them to a new multipad, and editing the voice and other characteristics.

With It You Can

Pad Applications

This page updated on July 24, 2024.