Etienne Volbragt

Etienne Volbragt  ( E-mail )

Since end 2017, I have taken over responsibility for the programming of four utilities from Michael Bedesem's Style Manager Series.
MixMaster / PadMaker-Midi / PadMaker-Style / Open Text
The newer versions (from v19) for these programs are suited for Windows™ Operating Systems (Windows™ 7 or later*)

* For users of the obselate Windows™ XP I will provide a version that suites this OS.
These XP versions will not be upgraded with new functions, but I will try to solve any found bugs if possible.
Thanks for your understanding.

Click on the links/pictures below or in the buttons under the maintitle
for additional information and to download the program file(s).

MixMaster is a program specifically designed for the display and editing of Yamaha midi files such as the song, style, pad and voice files used by the Tyros/PSR and now the new Genos line of instruments. It comes ready to use with translations of voice, effect, midi and known Yamaha sysex commands. While extensive in capability, a great deal of effort has been expended to make it easy to use by users of all experience levels.

PadMaker Midi is a tool for creating a Multipad based on the patterns from one or more midi or multipad files. With it you can create a pad by selecting an area of a midi or pad; audition the pattern on the PC or PSR; edit the Notes, Octave, Voice, Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Tempo and Brightness, Chord Follow and Repeat parameters; and include user-editable text.

PadMaker Style is a tool for creating a Multipad based on the patterns from one or more styles. With it you can create a pad by selecting an area of a style; audition the pattern on the PC or the keyboard; edit the Voice, Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Tempo, Brightness, Chord Follow and Repeat parameters; and, finally, include user-editable text.

OpenText is a program that displays a pdf file, or a page in a pdf book, when a registration is selected on a PSR, CVP, Tyros or Genos.

(c) Etienne Volbragt

Last update :May 01, 2021