For an update to the Music Finder discussion be sure to review the lessons in the Lessons | Playing |Music Finder section. Many of the MFDs below were created for the PSR-3000 and earlier keyboards.

Yamaha's Music Finder Database

Music Finder Database (MFD) records provide an easy way to quickly select the style and tempo and, perhaps, a beginning, for songs. Unfortunately, the "songs" provided in the preset music finder database records do not give the actual song name, but a variation of it, perhaps to protect Yamaha from copyright suits.

Corrected Yamaha MFD Files

Although it is sometimes easy to figure out the original song title, it is far easier to have the correct song titles. The MFD files provided below are similar to the original preset files, but with the correct song titles. Since some people have trouble downloading an ".mfd" file, I have also provided a delimited text file for each mfd database. Note that the mfd files work only on the keyboard for which they were created. You can, however, use MusicFinderView to convert an mfd created on any keyboard for use on a different target keyboard. Find your keyboard in the list below and use the link to download a corrected version of the original Yamaha Preset MFD file.

Corrected MFDs for PSR/PSR-S Keyboards
PSR-S Models PSR Models


PSR-S770.mfd, PSR-S770.txt

PSR-S950.mfd, PSR-S950.txt

PSR-S750.mfd, PSR-S750.txt

PSR-S910.mfd, PSR-S910.txt

PSR-S710.mfd, PSR-S710.txt

PSR-S900.mfd, PSR-S900.txt

PSR-S700.mfd, PSR-S700.txt

PSR-3000.mfd, PSR-3000.txt

PSR-1500.mfd, PSR-1500.txt

PSR-2100.mfd, PSR-2100.txt

PSR-1100.mfd, PSR-1100.txt

PSR-2000.mfd, PSR-2000.txt

PSR-1000.mfd, PSR-1000.txt

Corrected MFDs for Tyros/CVP Keyboards
Tyros Models CVP Models

Tyros5.mfd, Tyros5.txt

Tyros4.mfd, Tyros4.txt

Tyros3.mfd, Tyros3.txt

Tyros2.mfd, Tyros2.txt

Tyros1.mfd, Tyros1.txt

CVP709.mfd, CVP709.txt

CVP609.mfd, CVP609.txt

CVP509.mfd, CVP509.txt

CVP409.mfd, CVP409.txt

CVP309.mfd, CVP309.txt

CVP209.mfd, CVP209.txt

Using MusicFinderView to Convert an MFD

A major reason the mfd records are keyboard specific is that they refer to internal preset styles which are different for each model keyboard. As mentioned above, there are utilities that can convert a Music Finder File for one instrument into one that can be used on a different instrument. An example of how this is done is shown below using Michael Bedesem's MusicFinderView program.

gThe screen shot here shows a Tyros 2 Music Finder Database (Tyros2MFUK.mfd) being "Saved" as a PSR-S900 Music Finder Database (selected as the Target Instrument). The "saving" not only adds the appropriate instrument record, it also identifies records for which the indicated style is not available on the target instrument. You can optionally choose to (a)  eliminate all these records, (b) replace the style with a "default" style you can select, or (c) edit those records and put an alternative style in. I choose to eliminate all non-available styles and that reduced the 2,083 styles in the Tyros2 database to 1,615 in the converted Tyros2 database for the PSRS900.

Since the conversion process is so simple, and since we have so many varieties of keyboards available right now, I'll leave it to you to do any converting for your particular keyboard. The more expensive keyboards do have more records in their mfd databases, but many of the records are the same from keyboard to keyboard. You can also convert some of the mfd collections provided below if you have a newer keyboard.

Note: all of the files above are ".mfd" files. Your PSR will recognize these files only when you are accessing the System Reset for Music Finder (Function | Utility | System Reset | Music Finder ). There is a complete tutorial on loading mfd files on this site. Review it if you need help.

Joe's Master MFD

This is an expanded Music Finder File that I originally developed on the PSR-2000 with over 2,000 records. Some songs have multiple records suggesting alternative styles.  The number of unique song titles currently  in the database is 1,712. The Keyword field in this database has abbreviations for all the (U.S.) fake books in which the song appears.  I combined records from a variety of different MFDs available at the time to create this "master" mfd file. See the MFD Bonus page for a detailed description of the database and how to use it.  You can use the MusicFinderView program to derive individual Fake Book mfds from this master file. I have used that program to convert the original PSR-2000 file into a version for a variety of Yamaha keyboards. You can download a copy of this master mfd file for your keyboard by clicking one of the links provided here:

Master MFD Text Files

Master1011.doc -- You do not have to use the Music Finder feature to take advantage of these Music Finder files. This is a Microsoft Word document that includes the basic Music Finder information stored in the Master MFD.  It produces a 23-page printout with three colums/page that gives an alphabetical list of songs and the various style/tempo suggestions for that song.

FB_Abb.txt -- This text file provides a listing of all the fake book abbreviations used in the above file and the fake book to which the abbreviation applies.

Gary Diamond's PSR-3000 MFD

If you have a new PSR-3000, you may need to convert the above MFDs to a format compatible with the PSR-3000. Even so, you may find that the "styles" referred to above are really very different in the PSR-3000 and may have to be adjusted. Gary Diamond worked for many weeks to adjust his song library to his new PSR-3000 and the preset styles included with that instrument. The MFD in the 3000, unlike those in the earlier models, allows the user to also specify and save the particular Intro to start the song with as well as the style variation (A, B, C, or D) to start with. Gary's new MFD has almost 500 records and PSR-3000 owners can load this mfd or append it to what they already have. Many thanks to Gary for sharing it with us.

Gary 3K MFD
500 records

Bob Durham's PSR Performer Collection

From the PSR Tutorial web site, I extracted all the performers song titles and put them in Excel including style and tempo. After a bit of sorting and extracting, I assembled a text delimited file and imported it into Music Finder. The result is a database of all the recognised styles that performers have submitted to date (Oct 2004). There are many duplicates and also duplicates with your big list but there could be quite a few that have escaped. Thought it might be useful. I extracted all the 2k styles as these are probably the most useful. --Regards Bob Durham

BobDurham's MFD
634 records

Note: Bob's original mfd had 634 records for PSR-2000 users and that is included in the zip file above. I used the latest version of Michael Bedesem's MusicFinderView (see illustration above) to make a version for PSR-2100 users, which had the same number of records, and a version for PSR-3000 users, which had fewer records. Both of these are also included in the above zip file. If you have another keyboard, use MusicFinderView to convert the mfd to your keyboard's format. - Joe Waters

Scott Langholff's PSR-2000 MFD

Hi Joe, I actually ran into a guy in Pensacola that plays a PSR-2000 and sings! I was amazed. Anyway, he was pretty happy to get my old files from the PSR-2000. I thought that perhaps as long as I had them out that someone may enjoy my final version of my Music Finder on the 2000. So here it is.


Not Just for PSRs. The song list in my Music Finder database can, in fact, be used by owners of any arranger keyboard. If you download the MusicFinderView by Michael Bedesem and then download my Music Finder database, you will be able to see my song list in Michael Bedesem's Music Finder View program.

Of course, if you happen to have a Yamaha PSR-2000, you can load it into your keyboard as is. For other Yamaha models, you can use MusicFinderView to set your target instrument and save a version of the database for your keyboard.

Music Genres. Some players may find the abreviations for styles of music that I have included in the keyword field useful. In my many years of teaching, I discovered that most people don't know what genre of music a specific tune is and, therefore, what style to play with it. My relatively easy method of labelling the styles may be a lot easier than what I would imagine most people may be used to.

To look at the song list by song category, in MusicFinderView, set the Target Instrument to PSR2000. Next, go to Search, and click on Keywords. Using the codes shown below, enter the code into For This Text. Click on Find And Check All then click on Close and click on Play List. You will see a list of all the songs in that category. When you want to see another category, go to Checkbox Control and click on Uncheck. You are then ready to view another category. You will find a pretty good number of standard type tunes that are frequently performed.

The codes I use are: L=Latin, W=Waltz, F=Foxtrot(Quickstep), O=Old Time(Polka's), D=Dixieland(Foxtrot,Quickstep), S=pre-1960's Standards. Also listed are M=post 1950's "Modern", P=Pop, R=Rock and some others.

Tempos. Tempos used in Ballroom dancing are probably different than the tempos that most players would have ever imagined. Since the tempos I use vary according to whether I'm playing a concert, sing-a-long, listening music, etc, I would suggest adusting according to your needs by feel or by going to your favoite search engine and type in the words Ballroom Tempo.

I hope some players will find the above information useful.

Scott Langholff -

This page updated on July 31, 2024 .