Thanks to Leo Dunne for this terrific set of multi-pad files. Leo, who is from Ireland, created these files on the PSR-9000 and the Tyros. His latest set of pads, 119 in all, are in the MPLeo2 and MPLeo3 files below. I have included the previous set (and renamed it MPLeo1) from last year although many of these multi pads may have been replaced with newer versions in the latest update. But since there may be some that have not been updated, both last year's set and this year's are included. Instructions for loading the files are given below. Click on the MPLeo1, MPLeo2, or MPLeo3 links to download the ZIP files. Unzip the file to get to the individual Multi Pad Files.

60 Multipads
59 Multipads
48 Multipads

Installation Instructions For Multi Pad Files

Follow the steps below to copy all of the Multi Pad files from a floppy disk (or USB drive) to the user area in the PSR or Tyros.

  1. Go to PSR MAIN Screen
  2. Press button for the MULTIPAD file screen.
  3. Press [NEXT] twice to move to the FLOPPY DISK tab (or the USB tab).
  4. Select the COPY option by pressing [3-B].
  5. To copy all of the multi pad files, select ALL, button [6-B].
  6. Confirm that it is OK to complete your copy operation by pressing button [7-B]
  7. Press [BACK] to move back to the USER memory area.
  8. Now select the PASTE operation (button [4-B]) to paste the files in the user area.

Note: PSR-3000 users can, of course, save the files to the CARD or the USER area. If you've copied them to your flash drive, they will already be in your USB area. Tyros owners can copy the files to the hard drive if they have one.

Each Pad name generally begins with a description of the beat and genre and then a series of letters (e.g. PhvS) that identify the voices used in Pad 1, 2, 3, 4 according to the following case sensitive key:

D=Drum Kit
E=Elec. Piano
G=Guitar riff
N=Nylon Guitar
R=Guitar strum
s=soft Violin

For example, the multipad "8BCool RXBG" would have a Guitar strum (R) in the first multipad button, a saxaphone (X) in the second, a Brass instrument (B) in the third, and a Guitar riff (G) in the fourth.

