Brian Miles has been converting styles for quite some time. Brian, who has Technics keyboards as well as the PSR-9000 and the PSR-S900, has provided us with many style conversions for use with PSR keyboards.
Genos Styles for the PSR-EW400
(Nov 9, 2023) I have purchased a PSR-EW400 as I wanted a lighter keyboard that I could use on my lap. As a result, I have dug out my old XP computer, which has all the original Bedesem programs and, more importantly, EMC styleworks making conversion from 4 to 2 variations relatively easy. So far I have completed the Ballad styles, using intros B and C, and variations B and D. I have tried most of them on my E series keyboard and they sound good. There are a few that, even after removing 2 variations and A intro and ending, are still over 50 kb.
The PSR-EW400, was replaced by the PSR-EW410 and now the EW425, which now has a mic input. The PSR E453 has been replaced by the E463 and then the E473, which has slightly larger memory and mic input but still only 6w speakers. All the above have 10 user styles. I believe most of these conversion will work on all the E series keyboards, the only limitations are size. For Country, not all would convert, but I have managed to get some converted by altering their names, the remaining few I may have to leave.
Ballad 50 styles |
R & B 47 styles |
Rock & Pop 58 styles |
Country 30 styles |
Swing & Jazz 52 styles |
Rock 18 styles |
Entertainer 68 styles |
Latin 44 styles |
Ballroom 41 styles |
Movie&Show 40 styles |
(Jan 26 2004) - I have been going through some of my old CDs from 2008 and came across these Yamaha 2 part song styles, which would be very suitable for the E and EW series keyboards. I have run . few through my PSR and they sound OK. Note that there are almost 800 styles in this file: Two part Yamaha Song
I also found some GEM styles that I converted in 2008 and they were tweeked by Eileen, to my knowledge they have never been released. There are 39 styles in this collection:
For Thomson AK-X1100, AK-X10 owners
I received a Thomson AK-X1100 keyboard for Christmas and have a full set of Technics KN7000 styles that I have converted to the AK-X1100 and AK-X10. I know that several PSR Tutorial forum members have one or other of these keyboards so I am providing two sets of these conversions below. If anyone is interested in these conversions and would like more, contact me, either through the PSR Tutorial Forum (Milomiles), whichever you prefer. I am happy to share these conversions with you.
Best wishes, Brian
Vol 1 73 styles |
Vol 2 81 styles |
GENOS styles for the Tyros2
(July 2022) I have converted a number of the Genos styles for use with the Tyros2 and earlier keyboards. --Brian
Ballad 51 styles |
Latin 47 styles |
Country 35 styles |
Dance 54 styles |
R&B 51 styles |
Pop&Rock 61 styles |
Entertainer 46 styles |
Movie/Show 33 styles |
Tyros5 Styles for SFF1 Keyboads
(Jun 2017) I had some time available so I went ahead and converted the Tyros5 styles to SFF1 format. These should work on Tyros1 and Tyros2 as well as mid-range keyboards PSR-S900 and earlier. --Brian
Ballad 54 styles |
Ballroom 28 styles |
Country 33 styles |
Dance 45 styles |
Entertainer 46 styles |
Latin 38 styles |
Movie&Show 42 styles |
Pop&Rock 59 styles |
R&B 49 styles |
Swing&Jazz 47 styles |
World 50 styles |
CVP 709 Styles for the PSR-S670
(Mar 2017) I've recently converted styles from the CVP709 to play on the PSR-S670 for a friend, replacing the missing style voices using M Bedesems new program. The majority sound good to very good although they are a very few that do not. I have not got around to working on the OTS yet, so you will have to add that yourself. Although these styles were specifically revoiced for the S670, they should also work on the PSR-S770 and PSR-S970. To facilitate downloading, they are provided in 5 zip files.
- Brian
CVP 709 116 styles |
CVP 709 110 styles |
CVP709 102 styles |
CVP 709 134 styles |
CVP 709 132 styles |
Conversions for the Tyros
(Oct 2012) Brian has sent in an additional three sets of style conversions that he did for the Tyros. These are in SFF1 format and should work on all the Yamaha keyboards. The first two sets are from the Roland BK7M. There first set does not have OTS while the second set does have the OTS added. The third set is a conversion of the Korg PA3x Internal styles. You will have to add the OTS voices for this set as well.
I have added OTS to the first Roland set using my Tyros4. Therefore, these "tuned" styles are in SFF2 format. They should work on the T3/T4/T5/S910/S950/S970. There are in the file. - JW 24 styles SFF1 | 26 styles SFF1 | 250 styles SFF1 | 24 styles SFF2 |
Styles for the PSR9000
The conversions listed here were all done for use on the PSR-9000. Since I'm sure there are still a number of 9000 owners out there, the original 9000 conversions are provided below. You can use Michael Bedesem's Midiplayer program to convert them to a different target instrument. Generally, the 9000 styles will have a relatively heavy bass when loaded on later PSR keyboards.
SongsVol1.ZIP 36 styles |
SongsVol2.ZIP 36 styles |
SongsVol3.ZIP 36 styles |
SongsVol4.ZIP 32 styles |
9KStylesV1.ZIP 34 styles |
9KStylesV2.ZIP 35 styles |
9KStylesV3.ZIP 35 styles |
9KStylesV4.ZIP 33 styles |
PSR Styles with Solos #1 Each of the styles in this file has an accompanying "solo" style, e.g. Big Band.sty and Big Band Solo.sty.(12_8 Ballad, Big Band, Big Band2, Blues, BluesBluG, Coun Ballad2, Coun Rock, Coun Waltz, Coun SRk, Ethnic Waltz, Honky Piano, Jazz Combo, Meringue, Modern Guitar, Musical Ballad, Orchestral, Pop Ballad, Samba, Steamboat Dix)
Note: Brian Miles and Eileen Lowery have collaborated to provide additional conversions from the Ketro SD1 Update styles. These conversions, provided below, are for the Tyros and PSR-3000 (June, 2006).
(Jan 2009) Brian has converted the Tyros3 styles for use on his PSR9000. The Bass volume has been increased on all the styles, most now play with a more satisfactory bass line. Note that the Ballads and Pop&Rock categories have been updated and replace the earlier versions that were posted here.
Ballads 45 styles |
Ballroom 25 styles |
Country 29 styles |
Dance 48 styles |
Entertainer 33 styles |
Latin 40 styles |
Movie&Show 38 styles |
Pop&Rock 59 styles |
R&B 46 styles |
Swing&Jazz 49 styles |
World 52 styles |
Styles for the PSR2100
(Apr 2009) Brian has converted a number of Tyros3 and PA80 styles for a friend who has a PSR2100 and also generously sent them into the PSR Tutorial. These should also play well on other PSR keyboards.
Ballads 49 styles |
Country 29 styles |
Entertainer 35 styles |
Pop&Rock 70 styles |
R&B 46 styles |
Swing&Jazz 54 styles |
Ballads 23 styles |
Beat 19 styles |
Country 16 styles |
Pop 19 styles |
PopRock 27 styles |
R&B 21 styles |
Additional Conversions
I've recently reviewed some new style collections available from Brian (or his forum) and extracted any styles that duplicated styles already posted elsewhere on this site. There are an additional 343 styles provided here. I have divided them into three zip files. One has conversions that do not have OTS added to the style. The other two have OTS; one for K6 & K7 styles and one a mixed bag of styles.
BMnoOTS.ZIP 113 styles |
BMk6k7.ZIP 127 styles |
BMMixed.ZIP 103 styles |