Bob Gelman

(May, 2003) I'm 57 and live near San Francisco, California. I started playing the accordion when I was 10. I bought my first Yamaha PSR keyboard about 20 years ago. I am the moderator of the PSR-Songs and PSR-Styles Groups on Yahoo. Here are a couple of "Jewish Wedding Music" songs, a/k/a "Klezmer." In the third volume I have added some Russian songs. All are "live" Quick Records, no editing, multi-tracking, or sequencing. I made these files a few years ago on my PSR-630. I currently play a PSR-9000. The photo shows me on top of the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Bob's MIDI Song Index

midi Bob provided 30 songs in midi format. These were created on the PSR-630. Individual songs are shown in the table below and any one song can be downloaded by right-clicking on the song link. The table displays the song title, tempo (T), time signature (TS), lyrics (L), chords (C), where possible, the style used, the original volume (V), and the keyboard used (K). You can download all 30 of Bob's songs in this file:

Bob's MIDI Songs
Title Tempo TS Lyrics Chords Volume Keyboard
Artza Alinu 104 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Bashana Haba'a 104 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Baym Rebins Sude 90 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen 90 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen 90 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Der Muzinikal 92 2/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Di Rayze Nukh Amerike 98 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Freilach In Dm 108 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Hava Nagila 117 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Hopkele 126 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
In Odess' 88 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Kazbeck 117 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Korobooshka 132 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
More Than Once 109 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Nakhtin Gan Eydn, A 88 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Nyet Nyet 100 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Oy Mama 86 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Oy S'iz Gut 88 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Oy Tate 80 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Palestina 176 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Pappirosn 104 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Rusishe Sher 76 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Shein Vi Di L'vone 83 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Sidney B's Bulgar 106 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Sunrise Sunset 70 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
To Life 120 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Two Guitars 59 4/4 N Y 03 PSR630
Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn 104 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630
Vivat Far Di Mekhatunim, A 114 4/4 N Y 01 PSR630
Vus Du Vilst 108 4/4 N Y 02 PSR630

