NewHeaven 104-010-089 PSR-S970 and later
FantasyBells 104-011-089 PSR-S970 and later
OrganBells 104-012-089 PSR-S970 and later
ItopiaBells 104-013-089 PSR-S970 and later
SpectrumTheme 104-014-089 PSR-S970 and later
BreathBells 104-015-089 PSR-S970 and later
SkyBells 104-016-089 PSR-S970 and later
AiryHarp 104-017-089 PSR-S970 and later
Sinesphere 104-018-089 PSR-S970 and later
Pianosphere 104-019-089 PSR-S970 and later (In Piano)
AmbientTheme 104-020-089 PSR-S970 and later
ReflectingZone 104-021-089 PSR-S970 and later
HybridPad 104-022-089 PSR-S970 and later
RainyDay 104-005-090 PSR-S970 and later
Atmo5th 104-006-090 PSR-S970 and later
HeavenPad 104-003-092 PSR-S970 and later
HybridLines 104-004-092 PSR-S970 and later
WhisperGallery 104-000-093 PSR-S970 and later
WarpedWaves 104-002-095 PSR-S970 and later
SoundPictures 104-003-095 PSR-S970 and later
Spectralis 104-004-095 PSR-S970 and later
SpectrumPad 104-005-095 PSR-S970 and later
MysticPad 104-006-095 PSR-S970 and later
DeepMotion 104-004-096 PSR-S970 and later
Live!PadVoices 104-006-096 PSR-S970 and later
Tric-Trac 104-002-098 PSR-S970 and later
FlyingHarmonics 104-001-100 PSR-S970 and later
NylonHeaven 104-002-100 PSR-S970 and later
PianoSweeper 104-003-100 PSR-S970 and later
MidnightSpecial 104-003-102 PSR-S970 and later
WaterGames 104-004-102 PSR-S970 and later
MyGeneration 104-005-102 PSR-S970 and later
All or Nothing 104-006-102 PSR-S970 and later
Digisweeper 104-007-102 PSR-S970 and later
MetallicRain 104-008-102 PSR-S970 and later
TheFog 104-009-102 PSR-S970 and later
Randomizer 104-010-102 PSR-S970 and later
Atlantis 104-011-102 PSR-S970 and later
Live!SeaShore 104-000-123 PSR-S970 and later
Live!Helicopter 104-000-126 PSR-S970 and later
Live!Applause1 104-000-127 PSR-S970 and later
Live!Applause2 104-001-127 PSR-S970 and later
Live!GunShot 104-000-128 PSR-S970 and later
Live!RealDrums 127-000-092 PSR-S950 and later
Live!RealBrushes 127-000-042 PSR-S970 and later
HouseKit 127-000-061 PSR-S970 and later
DrumMachine 127-000-062 PSR-S970 and later
Live!NewSFXKit1 126-000-003 PSR-S970 and later
Live!NewSFXKit3 126-000-004 PSR-S970 and later
NoisesKit 126-000-009 PSR-S950 and later
Live!VocalEffectsKit 126-000-110 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Live!GospelAdLibs 126-000-111 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Additional OrganFlutes! Voices (not in TYROS3)
Org.Flutes!EuroPerc 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!BalladEuro 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EuroReeds 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EvenWarmth 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!BrightEuro 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EuroPops 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!FullEuro 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EuroAccomp1 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EuroAccomp2 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Org.Flutes!EuroAccomp3 000-126-017 TYROS5, PSR-S970 and later
Mega!FingerGtr 008-004-004 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!FingerSlapGtr 008-005-004 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!VintagePickGtr 008-006-004 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!VintageSlapGtr 008-007-004 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!SlapAmpGtr 008-008-004 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!ClassicalStrings 008-001-049 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!RealStrings 008-001-050 PSR-S970 and later
Mega!MaleVoiceChoir 008-000-052 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!GospelChoir 008-000-055 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHaa 008-000-101 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopDaa 008-000-102 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopBaa 008-000-103 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopShoo 008-000-104 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHoo 008-000-106 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopDoo 008-000-107 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopBee 008-000-108 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHee 008-000-111 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHaa L2 008-000-116 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHoo L2 008-000-121 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)
Mega!PopHee L2 008-000-126 (Only in TYROS & GENOS)