Yamaha Keyboards (4 Boards) > The Next Yamaha Keyboard

New PSR SX series

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Hi , what on earth is going on nowadays with rattling keys. I’ve had literally dozens of keyboards , piano’s , synths , over the last 40 years or so , I can’t ever remember having a keyboard that had rattling keys, including a 20 year old clp Clavinova. That is until recently when my pride and joy my PA5x picked up a dreadful vibration o the c5 key.
 ( was driving me nuts till I came up wth a quick fix  for that one key) One day if more goes wrong I’ll get if fixed.

Fortunately my sx900 doesn’t rattle, that probably is more to do with the fact I don’t use the keys, I use a Roland FP10 piano as a controller.

Piano group I belong too, complain about the Clavinova 745 being noisy and one guy was told noisy keys are to be expected?  The rattle on his key is driving him nuts too. Still under warranty, but being told a certain amount of noise is to be expected, well that is fine, but in his case as in mine, it’s a specific key.

Had actually been thinking (wishful thinking😁) about  upgrading my FP10 to a Clavinova one day, ( my old one had been so reliable) but starting to think , safer to stay with my cheap  little FP10 piano , which currently is working fine.

Is the problem quality control or has it always been a problem?


--- Quote from: rikkisbears on June 17, 2024, 12:09:51 AM ---Hi , what on earth is going on nowadays with rattling keys..
Is the problem quality control or has it always been a problem?

--- End quote ---
No, I don't think so. It's just bad (cheapest) engineering solution. When they assembled first SX keybed, they knew that keys rattle and that's why grease is used since day one.


Quote from Rikkisbears..  Still under warranty, but being told a certain amount of noise is to be expected,

I find that absolutely unacceptable. It's just a cop out by manufacturers to dodge their liability.
Unfortunately, mass production of keyboards and many other products in countries where labour is cheap and quality is average has become the norm, and so We the paying customers are expected to just suck it up!

Tyros never had this key rattle issue to my knowledge. I certainly never had it on my T1 or T4. Yamaha need to 'dump these rubbishy plastic cases' on these TOTL keyboards and go back to more robust cases.


The Tyros keyboards were all flagships.  The lesser little brothers S series will never have a lot of the newer things on them because you are not paying the same price for them.

Compared to many other musical instruments from renowned manufacturers, arranger keyboards below the Genos class are actually quite cheap. Unfortunately, this means that you will have to make compromises, for example in the mechanical construction.



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